Questions and Answers
1. How many sheep can 1 acre support?
2. Will these sheep thrive in your area?
3. How do you market your wool?
4. How do you market your meat?
5. What kind of fencing do you use?
6. Are there any books on Icelandic sheep (in English)?
7. Are these Icelandic Sheep Scrapie free?
8. Are these sheep registered?
9. What books are helpful for beginning shepherds?
10. What magazines are helpful for beginning shepherds?
11. What are the advantages and disadvantages of horned or polled animals? New Horned Versus Polled article
12. Are Icelandics resistant to foot rot?
13. If I buy a ram and 2 ewes, can I breed the ram to his daughters?
14. Do you have difficulty acquiring or managing to find fresh bloodlines for
15. Would Icelandics be good candidate for dairy sheep?
16. What kind of vaccinations do you use?
17. Are Icelandics resistant to parasites?
18. How do you keep your fleeces clean for handspinning?
19. What about predators?
20. Do they need shelter?
21. Do you feed any grain at all, to flush them before breeding, before or after lambing?
22. If the ewes are fed no grain, do they stay in fair condition when nursing?
23. Will they forage in the winter- even with snow covering the ground?
24. Can I graze these sheep with other animals?
25. Are the rams easy to work with or do they ram you any chance they get?
26. Are the ewes easy to work with or are they difficult to manage?
27. Are some colored animals more expensive?
28. Can a dog herd them?
29. How can transportation be arranged?
30. Do sheep require a lot of water?
31. What else do I need to know about sheep?
How many sheep can 1 acre support?
Ask your local vet, cattleman, neighbor or county extension agent the stoking rate
for cows in your area. Multiply that number by 5 to 7. The amount of land that will
support 1 cow will support 5 to 7 sheep. (Lambs don't count until they are about 5
months old.)
Will these sheep thrive in your area?
Iceland's climate is oceanic. Temperatures range from 52 degrees in July to 30
degrees in the Winter. Rainfall ranges from 19" in the north to 90" in the south and it's
windy. However they have tolerated and thrived in Montana with temperatures of 101
degrees F to -38 degrees F. they have done well in hot humid summers in Missouri and
Illinois. There are also a few animals thriving in Santa Ynez California. No one really
knows yet what the limits of their adaptation will be.
How do you market your wool?
Right now I am marketing all of the fleece from my 300 animals thru 4 ads/year in
SpinOff magazine ( Interweave Press Inc. 201 E 4th St. , Loveland, Colorado 80537-
5655 ph.# (907) 669-7672) It's expensive but targets the handspinners I want to sell to.
Most handspinners have never seen nor tried Icelandic fiber and I suspect that this market
will expand rapidly as spinners discover it. The feedback I am getting is very enthusiastic.
When I have enough wool I plan to have it made into yarn and market it myself to yarn
stores and knitters directly through magazines such as Knitters ph# (605) 338-2450 (see
their winter 96' for a special supplement on Iceland and Reynolds lopi yarns which are
made from 100% Icelandic wool and are the most popular knitting yarn in the U.S.!)
Other markets for your fleeces are spinners in your area, knitters, and weavers in
your state. Find them by requesting a list from SpinOff magazine. Fiber fests have fleece
judging and sales into which you can enter and sell your fleece. Reach fiber artists thru
magazines like Shuttle Spindle Dye pot ( The Handweavers Guild of America Inc. 3327
Duluth Hwy Suite 201, Duluth BA 30136-3373) and felters through the North American
Felters Network (Patrica Spark, 1032 SW Washington St. Albany, OR 97321) You might
also start a cottage industry of making knitted or felted items to sell or have the fleece
processed into roving and sell that roving to shops to sell for you. (addresses of
processors and tanners are in Sheep and SpinOff. Right now Icelandic pelts are selling for $90
to $150. You might start a knitting cooperative in your area. You are only limited by
your imagination and energies.
How do you market your meat?
I have had only a few animals to market in the past few years. However I am
marketing my meat direct to lamb lovers at the Farmers Market, restaurants, and via the internet. Stefania markets her extra ram
(whethers) lambs through the commercial sale barn. She said that at first she got docked,
but now the buyers have found out what a good carcass her lambs have and she receives a
premium. For good ideas on how to sell direct get the tape Selling grass finished Beef and
Lamb by David Schaffer and Alice Dobbs $9.95 postpaid from the Grass Farmer (1-800-
748-9808). By having your lambs slaughtered at a USDA inspected plant, you can sell
your lamb by the piece or at farmers markets. (see your state laws) You can also value add your meat and sell it at a booth at your county
What kind of fencing do you use?
We use 32" sheep and dog tight woven wire with 1 strand of smooth electric high
tensile wire on insulators 6" above it for our perimeter fencing. This keeps the sheep in and
helps to keep predators out. You can add a electrically charged wire on the outside
of the woven wire 6" or so from the ground and outset from this fence to
discourage predators. You can also add an electric fence bumper wire on the inside about
sheep nose height to prevent sheep from rubbing on the fence and sticking their heads
through. A lot of our interior fencing is 4 strands of electric fencing or electric netting.
Sheep are trained with electric netting. Call Premier 1-800-282-6631 for their fencing and
sheep supply catalogs and ideas.
Are there any books on Icelandic sheep (in English)?
Yes, but they are research articles and study and for the most part technical
although excellent!
The Journal of Agricultural Research in Iceland, Volume 2,1 Colour
Inheritance in Icelandic Sheep and Relation between colour, fertility and fertilization by
Stefan Adalsteinsson PhD. available from the Journal of Agricultural Research in Iceland,
Keldnahalte, 15-112, Reykjavik, Iceland send $10 to cover postage and handling.
Reproduction, Growth and Nutrition in Sheep, a Dr. Halldor Palsson memorial
publication... edited by Olafur R. Dyrmundsson and Sigurgeir Thorgeirsson. available
from the same source. cost about $60 post paid. Dr. Palsson started the sheep research
farm in Iceland and this book is some of his world famous studies on Icelandic Sheep.
Are these Icelandic Sheep Scrapie free?
Yes! the original 2 flocks of Icelandic sheep that were imported into Canada were
selected from scrapie free areas. The flock has been watched very closely since and the
Canadian government now certifies them as scrapie free after 5 or more years of
monitoring. They are also OPP free as the Canadian flock gets tested every year and is
Are these sheep registered?
Yes! The Canadian Livestock Records Corps. will register Icelandics in Canada
and the U.S. (2417 Holly Lane, Ottawa, Canada KIV OM7) This Organization does spot
checks (blood testing of dam, sire, and offspring) to keep producers honest and accurate
and registers many breeds in Canada.
What books are helpful for beginning shepherds?
These are my favorites and ones that I refer to continuously. Try getting them
inter-library loan to see if you like them before you buy. Also ask other shepherds in your
area to loan you their books and back issues of The Shepherd, Sheep!, Black Sheep
Newsletter, SpinOff, Countryside and other sheep and fiber magazines. Be sure you
return them.... it's so easy to forget. It's good to keep a list of what you have borrowed.
The Sheep Book by Ron Parker- out of print but maybe you can get it thru your
library. Excellent info for the beginning shepherd.
Raising Sheep the Modern Way and Turning Wool into a Cottage Industry and
many others by Paula Simmons.
Spring Pasture Lambing, Winter Grazing Sheep in a Cold Snowy Climate, and
Multi Species Grazing. tapes by Janet McNally. All excellent and are cutting edge sheep
management. All available from the Stockman Grass Farmer 1-800-748-9808 for $9.95
Selling Grass Finished Beef and Lamb, tapes by David Schaffer and Alice Dobbs,
excellent and same source as above.
Sheep Production Handbook, prepared by the American Sheep Industry
Association and available thru Sheep! magazine (see below) Huge, newly updated, the one best resource
expensive but well worth the price. Your extension agent may have a copy. A reference
book I wouldn't be without!
Managing you ewe and Her Newborn Lambs and Lamb Problems: Detecting
Diagnosing Treating, both by Laura Lawson. Both excellent and written by an
experienced shepherd. Written in easy to understand terms with good info on causes and
prevention. Available from Sheep! magazine.
Sheep Ailments by Eddie Straiton- a good picture book of problems and diseases
with brief descriptions Diseases have English names so some confusion here is the only
problem .ie. Sore Mouth is called "Orf".
The Veterinary Book for Sheep Farmers, by David C. Henderson. Excellent
reference. Again written for a British audience so disease names are different than what
we call them.
The Merck Veterinary Manual, The best book on diseases, conditions, their
causes and treatments available from Sheep! Your vet should have a copy for you to look
What magazines are helpful for beginning shepherds?
Magazines- These are ones I subscribe to and find helpful. You might share a subscription
with a friend or borrow copies from your local sheep mentor or buy someone's back
The Stockman Grass Farmer, emphasis on management intensive grazing and
making $ with livestock P.O. Box 9607 Jackson MS 39286-9607 They will send you a per
Countryside and Small Stock Journal, the best magazine for homesteaders and
those that want to bet back to the land. S1156 Hwy 64 Withee, WI 54498
The Shepherd publishes more serious information on sheep research and sheep
related issues. For the serious shepherd. 5696 Johnston Rd, New Washington, Ohio
Sheep! -a bit lighter sheep publication with more people oriented stories and lots
of show and 4H related reporting. P.O. Box 10, Lake Mills, WI 53551
Black Sheep Newsletter - a newsletter that came out of the Black Sheep Gathering
in Oregon. Newsy, friendly and information on colored sheep. 25455 NW Dixie Mtn. Rd.,
Scappoose Oregon 97056
SpinOff Magazine, for handspinners (907) 669-7672 excellent.
This is just a partial list of good sheep books. It helps to read anything you can find at
your library. Also develop a friendship with a good sheep producer in your area and ask if
he or she will be your mentor. I have a sheep mentor and her advice and input has been
invaluable. Thanks Gwen! Most of the above books available from Sheep! magazine.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of horned or polled animals?
Horns make nice "handles" with which to catch and hold an animal. Horns can be
dangerous to you (from aggressive rams) and to other animals/ especially timid sheep and
dogs. Horns can get caught in fences, although Icelandics rarely do. Horns are beautiful
and add a certain grace, presence and elegance to the animal.
Polled animals are harder to catch as they have nothing to hold onto. They don't
get caught in fences. They inflict less injury to other animals ( although a charging
aggressive polled ram can inflict considerable damage to anyone in his path). Polled
animals fit into head catches(sheep equipment) more easily and are easier to shear (horns
get in the way). We like both kinds and have both horned and polled animals. When you
have a mixed herd (both horned and polled animals) you must make sure to provide
enough feeder space or else the horned animals will push the polled animals away (horned
ones will be dominant).
Are Icelandics resistant to foot rot?
There is no foot rot in Iceland, nor any in our flock. I do not know if this is
because they are resistant or whether they are resistant or whether they have never been
exposed to the disease. In any case we trim feet once or twice a year. White feet grow
faster and need trimming more often. Black feet are stronger and grow more slowly so
need trimming less frequently. If you have lots of rocks in your pastures you may be able
to cut back on the trimming needed. Trimming prevents foot deformation and disease.
For small flocks you can learn to set the animal up on their butts for this job. Your
shearer or sheep mentor can show you how to do this. The best hoof shears are from
Mid States Wool Growers Coop Association at 125 E. 10th Ave South Hutchinson KS
67505. They are called Shear Magic hoof trimmer. about $20 post paid. send for their
catalog of sheep supplies. For larger flocks a turning cradle is wonderful. It is available
from Premier (1-800-282-6621) and is essential for Artificial Insemination work also.
If I buy a ram and 2 ewes, can I breed the ram to his daughters?
You can breed father to daughter or son to mother but with sheep you will lose
prolificacy in the offspring who are so closely bred. If you want to increase your herd,
you can either buy a 2nd unrelated ram to breed to the daughters of the first trio or you
can sell the lambs and purchase unrelated ewes. Eventually you will have enough
unrelated animals to supply your own breeding rams.
Do you have difficulty acquiring or managing to find fresh bloodlines for
No. The 2 importations that were made in the 80's brought in 84 animals, most of
whom were unrelated. there are enough different bloodlines in North America to breed
indefinitely. We have recently brought in semen from Iceland and will be inseminating ewes in the Fall of "98. The 15 rams that were collected for us are some of the best in Iceland
(new bloodlines including the
Thoka gene (prolificacy gene, quads and quints), Leader sheep gene, and excellent meat
sire genes).
Would Icelandics be good candidate for dairy sheep?
While Icelandic sheep are world famous for their excellent milking ability, they
have not been selected for this exclusive trait, therefore cannot compete with the
European breeds that have been. Icelandics were milked up until 40 years ago and the
milk used to supply the dairy products for the farmsteads. The sheep were managed by
penning the ewes at night away from their lambs. In the morning the ewes were milked
and then released for the day with their lambs. Sheep milk makes excellent cheese.
What kind of vaccinations do you use?
We vaccinate for overeating disease with CL C and D at about 5-6 weeks and
again 2 weeks later. We also vaccinate with Caseous D-T when we can get it, to prevent tetnus and caseous
lymphadenitis. We do not have this in the herd, but since it is very prevalent in sheep
herds and can be transported from one herd to another on the equipment of the shearer,
we vaccinate. It causes abscesses at the jaw line under the ear and internal abscesses that
eventually kill the animal. We believe in vaccinating only for what is prevalent in our area.
If you plan on showing your sheep you should consult your vet for other vaccines that will
protect your animals
The Pipestone management wheel is very handy for figuring out when to
vaccinate. It's also great for figuring out lambing dates on your ewes. The Pipestone
folks also have a good home study course on sheep raising. Pipestone Lamb and Wool
program. Southwestern Technical College P.O. Box 250, Pipestone MN 56164 Ph#
(507) 825-5471.
Are Icelandics resistant to parasites?
I wrote to the research farm in Iceland to ask. They wrote that Icelandics are no
more or no less resistant to parasites than other breeds of sheep. I worm the ewes
as needed starting with a dose of Ivomectin before lambing. I change wormers
each time I worm. I use Panacur, Valbazen, Ivomec, Ivomec, Tramisol, and
Cydectin, bentonite clay, diatomaceous earth, Basic H and Safeguard.
Worming is most important when the weather is above 70 degrees and the pastures
are wet from rain or dew. The moisture causes the worms to hatch and crawl up
the blades of the grass where the sheep ingest them.
The parasites build up in the pastures esp. in the late summer and can cause
poor growth and even death if the parasite levels aren't kept in check. The
barberpole worm is especially a problem in the warmer weather. I will sometimes
worm every 4 to 6 weeks in the spring and summer when the conditions are right
for parasite build-up. To complicate the situation ewes may lose their immunity
to parasites if they get too thin. This happens in the late spring when they are
milked down from fast growing lambs. Supplementing the ewes so that they don't
lose so much weight is one way to help prevent this condition.
Putting the ewes in a clean pasture after each worming and rotating pastures
helps too. Keeping the pastures in a leafy vegetative state with the grass 5 to
7 inches in height will help also. Don't let the pastures get nibbled down too
short as the closer to the ground the sheep bite the more parasites they
The lambs are
wormed at about 5 to 6 weeks when they receive their first vaccinations. I
then worm only if I start seeing signs of a problem (diarrhea and messy bottom) and only
after I have taken a stool sample into the vet to check for a parasite load. If the diarrhea
is caused by coccidia, I put Corid in their water for 5 days.
In mid summer I worm with Valbazen to rid the sheep of tape worms. Worm your
dogs for tapes then too.
In times when you are busy or it is too hot to work the sheep you can add safeguard
to their mineral to let the sheep self worm. I also add bentonite clay and
diatomaceous earth to the salt and minerals as well as soybean meal and kelp to
add minerals and protein and make the mineral mix more palatable.
In the Fall I worm the ewes
with Ivermec after the first killing frost. After the weather turns cooler the
sheep will need no more worming till the next spring.
I plan to work toward a program of selecting animals for parasite resistance
along with using cattle to "clean" up the pastures. By grazing cattle exclusively on a
pasture and excluding sheep for 1 year, sheep parasites are virtually eliminated.
How do you keep your fleeces clean for handspinning?
Since my fleece market is hand spinners, I shear twice a year. In late March, one
month before the start of lambing, I shear the ewes to get rid of the winter growth that has
collected hay chaff. Although I am still feeding hay into late April or early May, the fleece
is short enough to shed hay chaff. As soon as the grass is growing good, I quit feeding
hay. Whenever I walk out in the pastures I try and take a shovel or hoe to destroy weeds
that catch in fleece, such as thistles and burdock. I try and keep the animals out of muddy
areas and corrals. The dual coat naturally sheds dirt and trash to a great extent. Then in
November, before I start feeding hay I shear the flock. This clip is beautifully clean and 8" to 10"
long.... just what handspinners want. Ask your shearer to use a comb with more teeth to
prevent cuts to the skin. The light open fleeces, bare legs faces and udders make shearing
a breeze.
What about predators?
Sheep are no match for dogs, coyotes, mountain lions, bears and wolves (even on horned
sheep). A combination of good dog proof, sheep tight woven wire fences around the
perimeter helps to prevent stock loss. In addition electric fence can be added to the top
and outside (6" from the ground and offset 6") to discourage these killers. Guardian
animals such as llama, donkeys and guard dogs that stay with the flock all work well.
Bringing the flock up close to the house at night also helps. For predator proof fencing
ideas send for Primier's fencing (and sheep equipment) catalogs (1-800-282-6621)
Do they need shelter?
When Icelandics are in full fleece, they need little or no shelter except a good
windbreak and some summer deep shade. After they are sheared in the fall (we shear in early November) they need
shelter from wind, rain and snow. They also need extra feed for about 4 weeks until they
grow 1" or more new fleece. We use simple tunnel huts in the pastures which are easy to
build, inexpensive and portable. They need some shelter when weather is severe.
Do you feed any grain at all to flush them before breeding, before or after lambing?
If you live in the West on highly mineralized pasture
you will probably not need to feed supplements of grain. In high rainfall areas
where the rain has leaches out the minerals over the centuries a good supplement
program is necessary. While grain is found to be unhealthy for the sheep feeds
like soybean meal, soy hull pellets, beet pulp, molasses, kelp, and alfalfa
pellets are all excellent supplements. Concentrate on improving your pastures
by getting a soil test and adding the nutrients needed in a fertilization
program. Many states have a cost share program where the farmer can get up to
75% of the costs of the fertilizers back. Learn and practice management intensive grazing.
If the ewes are on
good clover/grass pastures that are high in nutrients they will need little
supplements during the growing season. When the grass gives out in November
I start feeding a
good quality hay. Flush the ewes with a high value supplement to bring up their
condition for breeding a month before breeding season starts. Just keep these ewes steadily gaining. I breed the ewes
in early December which is timed so that their need for high protein tender grass along with hay
provide all the nutrients the gestating ewes needs in her last few weeks of pregnancy. If
your hay is poor you might need to supplement your ewes with a bit of soybean meal
during the winter. This helps them develop large udders. These sheep are aggressive feeders and grazers and will push other breeds of sheep away
from the feeders. They have large rumens that allow them to process large amounts of
I learned management intensive grazing by reading the Stockman Grass Farmer
magazine (1-800-748-9808). Other good books on the subject are Intensive Grazing
Management by Bert Smith; and Quality Pasture by
Allan Nation... all available from the above phone number.
If the ewes are fed no grain, do they stay in fair condition when nursing?
On excellent clover/grass pastures the ewes stay in good shape. The triplet
mothers lost more weight than the twin mothers for the first few months and then held
their own. Supplement as needed. I make sure that the
ewes are in condition 3 or 4 (on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being hog fat) going into lambing. The ewes regain their lost weight easily in the months of Sept., Oct. and Nov. on
good and plentiful pasture. We keep salt/mineral mix available free
choice also. (be sure you get sheep mineral/salt mix as cattle minerals have too much
copper and are toxic to sheep). Also use a loose mineral as blocks of hard
mineral will loosen their teeth.
Will they forage in the winter- even with snow covering the ground?
Yes! In Iceland, winter grazing was the rule. Whenever the weather permitted the
flocks were shepherded out to scavenge for their food. Scarce hay was used only as a
supplement. Each sheep was allotted the equivalent of 2 hay bales for the whole long
Can I graze these sheep with other animals?
Yes. Sheep can be grazed with any other animal. Sometimes horses and cows will
chase sheep. It is good if there is an area that the sheep can go for protection. A single
electric fence wire strung high works well. the sheep can go under but it will stop the
larger animals. Having mixed species grazing also utilizes more kinds of forage and helps
to control parasites.
Are the rams easy to work with or do they ram you any chance they get?
The dispositions of Icelandic rams range from 1) aggressive toward people, 2)
aggressive toward other rams (but not people), 3) aggressive breeder but not aggressive
toward other rams nor people, 4) laid back and neither aggressive toward other sheep nor
people, and 5) sweethearts that are big pets. the truth is that all rams should be watched
carefully and treated with caution and respect, especially during breeding season. Children
should never be allowed in with or near rams no matter how friendly they seem. Icelandic
rams are as easy to work with to give shots, trim feet etc. as ewes are, only bigger and
heavier. We are selecting for rams with dispositions in the 3rd category.
Are the ewes easy to work with or are they difficult to manage?
The dispositions of ewes range from sweet and friendly to timid and shy. They are
bright, alert and guarded in their actions. They are not wild, crazy and bonkers. They do
move fast to avoid being caught when in a pen situation but are easy to work with when
caught. They also work well with sheep handling equipment. As with all livestock,
they need to be worked quietly. As novice shepherds, we had no problems catching nor
working with them. When they lamb they get very docile and are usually easy to approach
quietly in the field if help is needed.
Are some colored animals more expensive?
Yes. Right now moorits (brown) and the patterned and spotted ones are rare and
are priced higher than the white or black ones. Eventually Icelandics will be priced mainly
on production and quality of meat and fleece. Older animals can be priced higher or lower
than lambs depending on their production potential and records. Right now most breeders
are selling mostly lambs. Lambs tend to adjust to new surroundings more easily than older
Can a dog herd them?
When Stephania first got her imported animals home, they would not respond to
her border collie. They did not respond to the dogs "eye" but turned and faced the dog
and held their own. Our own animals are used to being herded and respond well to me
and our Icelandic sheep dogs.
How can transportation be arranged?
We usually make at least 1 delivery trip to the east each year in the fall.
Our customers meet us close to the interstate at points nearest to them. Transportation can also be shared
with other customers. We might hire a professional trucker and the price would vary
according to how many sheep are being transported in the load.
Do sheep require a lot of water?
Sheep require about 1 gal/day usually, 1 and 1/2 gal/day when lactating and about
1/2 gal/day in winter. Fresh clean water is very important to good production. In winter
clean snow can provide all their water needs. You can also water in buckets in winter,
making sure to empty the buckets after the ewes have had their fill. Frost free waterers
are great too. Some people use a tank heater to keep water unfrozen for their animals.
What else do I need to know about sheep?
Cardinal rule: Any changes in their diet should be made slowly or could bloat
them or give them scours. Feed them a belly full of hay before introducing them to a new
lush pasture or use timed grazing by allowing them to graze only 1/2 hour once or twice a
day, gradually lengthening the time and frequency of the grazing period. You can also do
this with temporary electric fencing.

Tongue River Farm
5000 CR 4910
Pomona, MO 65789
photos, graphics, and text:
© Copyright Tongue River Farm, 2002 |